Online Admissions

Kindly note that the registration form must be filled out first before the Admission form can be purchased. The registration form does not attract any fee. You may contact the school’s administration on 0303965079 or 0303965080 or on the Whatsapp number 0268686898 for admission arrangements.

French Club

Learning French connects your child to the whole world. He or she will experience unique opportunities and adventures, meet new friends and appreciate new cultures. And discover the books, music and films produced in this major world language. Parents want the best for their children. Learning French can provide the child with unique lifelong opportunities.

There’s a high demand for bilingual staff in every sector of the economy – from retail to technology, from public service to tourism, from teaching to research. Whether their career path leads to science, the arts, business or education, learning French will open more doors to a more secure future.

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